Search Results for: aglaonema

Aglaonema Golden Madonna

Aglaonema Golden Madonna Indoor plants houseplants sale GTA Mississauga Toronto Etobicoke Brampton Oakville Burlington Grimsby Hamilton

Absolutely stunning variety of the famous Aglaonema family! Aglaonema, also known as Chinese evergreen, is a beautiful foliage plant appreciated for its slow, regular growth even under low-light conditions. It is also a strong air-purifier. Aglaonema Golden Madonna has a very unique variegation pattern on its leaves in green, white and golden yellow colors.

Aglaonema Two Tone Moonstone

aglaonema 'two tone moonstone' in decorative ceramic pot plant Christmas gifts Toronto Mississauga Brampton Etobicoke other GTA

Aglaonema Two Tone Moonstone Aglaonema colorful varieties are absolutely beautiful and at the same time one of the easiest plants to grow indoors. Its stunning variegated leaves make it a perfect home-décor accent. Lovely plant-filled gift for Christmas! We will wrap it up nicely and include a handwritten card if you wish.

Aglaonema Siam Red

Indoor plants houseplants sale GTA Mississauga Toronto Etobicoke Brampton Oakville Burlington Hamilton Aglaonema Chinese Evergreen colorful varieties

Red Aglaonema (Aglaonema Creta or Aglaonema Siam Red) is absolutely beautiful, stylish, and at the same time one of the easiest plants to grow indoors. Its stunning colorful leaves make it a perfect home-décor accent.

Aglaonema Spring Snow

Aglaonema spring snow indoor plants houseplants interiorplants plant sale Etobicoke Toronto Mississauga Oakville Burlington Brampton Hamilton GTA St Catherine

Aglaonema is one of the most attractive and easy to grow indoor plants. It grows upright with nonbranching stems and beautiful spear-shaped leaves. Foliage color differ widely by variety. Aglaonema ‘Sparkling Sarah’ has beautiful foliage with cream and green colors.